Jun 12, 2010

What I'm Learning

I just finished reading Desire by John Eldrige. The concept is simple and yet deeply profound, the desires of your heart reflect your truest self. Jesus came to meet those desires. He appealed to desire "whoever is thirsty come and drink". What we long for, is at it's core, heaven. We desire to be known, Revelation says "we shall know as we are known". Eldrige describes it as multiple intimacies without affair. In heaven, we will be intimately known and intimately know lots of people. Mind blowing thought for me! We long to do what we were created to do. Eldrige describes Christ's millennial reign as each of us, doing what we were created to do, flawlessly, without the presence of sin. If you love to dance, you will dance flawlessly. If you love to write, or teach, or build, you will do what you were created to do in the millennial reign. Perfect intimacy, perfect purpose, perfect, love all encompassed in one through our eternal home in heaven. All this made possible because "For God so love the world, that he gave his one and only begotten son." Praise you Father! I am learning, that what I long for most is heaven. You see we are eternal creatures, this life, the here and now, this is the dress rehearsal. For life, as we long for it, will truly begin when we enter into eternity. In the waiting, it's more of God's heart and more of God's presence I seek. For when I am with Him, I get a taste of heaven, and every time it leaves me wanting more. Through trial I have learned that God is and always will be in control. That God meets the needs of His children. That I am radically loved by the Creator of all the universe, He knows my name, He cares about my need. He is my truest desire. Everything else, is a cheap imitation.

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